16-19 January 2017 Üsküdar, İstanbul, Turkiye
Floods are among the natural disasters that cause property and life losses occasionally with great financial, environmental and social consequences. The main trigger mechanism of these natural hazardous events is the atmospheric conditions that end up with the convenient meteorological setup for the generation of precipitation. Especially, extreme cases of precipitation give rise to intensive rainfall, which might be calculated from the water experts point of view, by the concept of “probably maximum precipitation”. Meteorological conditions are necessary, but not sufficient for the floods in an area. Not all extreme precipitation cases cause floods but further agents in the occurrence of hazardous floods is the hydrological and geomorphological components in addition to the geological surface features to a certain extent. From the hydrological standpoint, floods appear when the soil saturation is complete and, therefore, almost all the precipitation without evapotranspiration and seepage turn to the surface flow. In plane areas, hydrological floods become harmful for the agricultural lands mostly due to water accumulation.
Coupled with the meteorological conditions hydrological circumstances might not be sufficient for the flood occurrence. Still further the surface features (geomorphology) of the area play significant roles in the generation of the harmful floods. Geomorphological features, are the guide-features of the precipitation water that reaches the earth surface. According to the water dividers and collectors (streams and rivers) of the earth surface features this water is distributed and divided into various shares within each catchment and its sub-catchments. Geomorphological features provide basis for the flood velocity and subsequently the damage increases. Due to high velocity in areas where there is not sufficient vegetation cover, flash floods endanger further human life and property.
In addition to these above causes, there are also social factors which bring, at times unconsciously, some human settlement areas under the threat of future floods. This might be due to improper planning and mismanagement practices. For instance, if urban areas are not selected right in the beginning of the planning areas where there is not flood risks, then they will not be exposed to flood danger. For such a task, necessary meteorological, hydrological and social planning, projects, constructions and administrations must be studied carefully for the purpose of reducing the flood damage. Unfortunately, most often these studies are not cared for, and consequently, flood-exposed sites are selected for industrial and settlement purposes, and all of sudden, floods appear with their destructive and property as well as life claiming consequences.
It is the main purpose of this short course to get the attendance acquainted with the basic philosophy of flood occurrence, distribution, movement, quantity, frequency and risk especially in arid and semi-arid regions.
Career Qualification for Attendance
There are different disciplines that are interested on flood calculation for their career purposes. For instance, hydrogeologists are concerned with groundwater recharge, engineers for culvert, highway, environmentalists for damages on environmental units, agriculturalists for green land protection, hydrologists for design discharge designation, administrators for citizens’ life and property protection, assurance companies for company benefits, risk analysts for determination of hazard levels and preparation of risk maps.
Short Course Program
The course contents are designed to span four-day training with theoretical, practical and computer tutorials with ready software. The first three days will be intensified on basic principles of flood calculation principles with simple but illuminating homework. During the last two days more intensified computer oriente training will be given.
Daily Course Program
Four-day training course content will cover the following and closely related questions during the period. The course will start at 9:30 a.m. each day and end at 16:30 p.m.
16 January, 2017, Monday
Flood Definition, Ordinary, Flash, Stream and River Floods, Mountainous Floods, Urban Floods, Seashore Floods; Historical and Literature Reflections.
17 January, 2017, Tuesday
Flood Factors; Meteorological, Records, Rainfall Types, İntensity, Duration, Frequency, Areal Extent; Topography, Geomorphological Aspects; Rainfall-Runoff Relationship; Unit, Dimensionless, Geomorphic and Complete Hydrographs; Curve Number and SCS Method Other Related Methodologies.
18 January, 2017, Wednesday
Flood Calculation Methodologies, Empirical, Rational, Runoff Coefficient, Probabilistic, Risk, Order, Weibull Plot Position; Statistical, Distribution Functions, Gumbel, Log-Pearson, Log-Normal, Frequency Factor, Probable Maximum Flood, Probable Maximum Rainfall, Risk and Design Flood Discharge
19 January, 2017, Thursday
Early Flood Warning System Software and Explanation, Inundation Map Preparation, Arid Region Flood Analysis, Applications.
Certificate Distribution and End Party.
Course Materials
Course material including the topics will be given to attendances at the course start.
Registration Conditions
At the maximum 30 persons can register this short course. The priority depends on the first registered first served principle. Registration fee is $ 1,000 (thousand) USD.
Method of Payment
Bank transfer:
Name of the bank: Vakıfbank
Account No: 00158048000382788
Branch Code: 0345 Validesultan Şubesi
Swift Code: TVBATR2A
IBAN No: TR34 0001 5001 5804 8000 3827 88
Registration Form